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July is National UV Safety Awareness Month

July is National UV Safety Awareness Month

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It is easy to remain vigilant with sun protection in the summertime when the sun is blazing in the heat of day. But sun protection is important every day, regardless of the weather or time of year.

To keep sun protection at top of mind, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has designated July as Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Awareness Month.

The mission is to remind everyone how important it is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, not just during summer months but all year long.

Long-term and unprotected exposure to UV rays from natural or artificial sources can cause most skin cancers, including melanoma, basal cell, and squamous cell cancers.

People exposed to high levels of Ultra violet rays can experience premature aging of skin and signs of sun damage that include leathery skin, liver spots and wrinkles. A common ailment in the form of sunburn that comes directly from the sun or a tanning bed.

The Center for Disease Control reports that the sun is at its most dangerous between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you are outside during these hours, try your best to stay in the shade. Where ever you are, out shopping or watching a sporting event, if there is shade available, use it!

With July designated as National UV Safety Awareness Month, now is the best time to remind everyone that sun safety is important for protection from UV radiation and to avoid sun-related skin cancers. 

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