Patient Hotline: (850) 384-4701

As of January 13, 2025, our phone, email, and internet connectivity have been restored.
If you have trouble reaching us, please use the patient hotline and leave a message.


Main Contact

Main Administrative Office

2315 West Jackson St
Pensacola, FL 32505
(850) 436-4630

Appointments available Monday through Friday. Call for holiday schedule.

Walk In Clinic Hours of Operation (1400 N. Palafox Street)

M-F: 8:00a – 8:00p
S-SU: 8:00a – 6:00p

Primary Care Appointment Clinic and Administration Hours of Operation

M-F: 8:00a – 5:00p
P: (850) 436-4630 | F: (850) 436-2095

After Hours Phone Line

Our after hours on-call nurse is available for phone consultation after hours. However, in case of a medical emergency, please call 911.
P: (850) 436-4630

Mental and Substance Distress

For help with opioid addiction call 850.477.HELP (4357)

Billing & Admin

Billing Office

2315 West Jackson St
Pensacola, FL 32505
(850) 436-4630

Appointments available Monday through Friday. Call for holiday schedule.

Administration Office

2315 West Jackson St
Pensacola, FL 32505
(850) 436-4630

Appointments available Monday through Friday. Call for holiday schedule.

Looking for a specific clinic or location?

Find a location nearest you and schedule your appointment today.  

Patient Portal

Easy access to your healthcare information. Find your medical record, pay bill, etc here in patient portal.